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Anxious. Like there is a big hole in my stomach. Head hurts. Restless

Is it possible to get addicted to fights in the relationship?
In my relationship there has been a fight every 10 daysโ€ฆ
I say something as a joke
He gets angry due to it and says something harsh
I react angrily
Fight escalates so mich that he starts saying he wants to break up
We donโ€™t talk for some days
He replies to my stories or some way msgs me again
We argue some more regarding the fight
Then he says he wants me and no more fights in future
Things go back to normal
Atleast for somedays till the cycle repeats.

So this time when he started being understanding and didnโ€™t react to things which I felt he would I just couldnโ€™t trust his behavior. Felt like this was the calm before the biggest storm ever. And I was rightโ€ฆ
Yesterday had a big fight because he said we will meet this weekend but cancelled at the last moment. We havenโ€™t seen each other since Feb end. So I got angry. Fought and this time it went too far.
I donโ€™t think things can be mended now
But when things were good did I instigate a fight?
Did I want him to fight with me?
Why did I didnโ€™t trust him behavior?
Am I addicted to fighting with him?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kumkum
Profile picture for Now&Me member @thesadsoul
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kumkum

Puh.tato @kumkum


It takes two to clap. He says bad things and you react in not in a good way to it. I suggest for both of you to take a break and first work on yourselves. Youโ€™ll know yourself what is wrong and needs to be mended. Same goes for him


I am working on my issues with help and I want to be better for myself

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thesadsoul

Jazz @thesadsoul


U have to control ur anger issues too. Nd not everyone likes jokesโ€ฆ they canโ€™t take them on themselvesโ€ฆ so think before u speak because sometimes we just unknowingly hurt othersโ€ฆ Try to changeโ€ฆboth of uโ€ฆ but first u have to work on urself too. Ur anger is just pushing him away girlโ€ฆ i donโ€™t know his side of story so I canโ€™t comment how he is or anythingโ€ฆ try things if they work out then gud for u nd if not then itโ€™s time to breakup


Yes i am working on my issues with help but the thing is it isnโ€™t always the jokes that cause the fightsโ€ฆ Itโ€™s always me who is wrong. If I donโ€™t like something he says I am not allowed to voice my feelings and if I do then I am too emotional or crazy so being bottled up causes me to flare up sometimes
Most of the times itโ€™s me who is apologizing to save the relationship.
But this time things may be beyond repair.
I will be a better person and work on myself but I think I have lost him now๐Ÿ˜”


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