Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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“and all i wanted was a lousy letter or a call” yet i never got one in the 10 years i haven’t seen you. do you never just wanna know what or how i’m doing? i’m your only child. How could you choose a step child and a whole new life over your own flesh and blood. i haven’t gotten a happy birthday, happy thanksgiving, merry christmas any of that in YEARS i haven’t heard your voice or even had one of those tight hugs where i felt safest. i kinda understood a little of why you stayed away when you were using but you’re clean now, YOURE CLEAN! and you still don’t want to see me. no matter how bad i miss you. i love you dad more than anyone in this world and i’m proud. i’m proud of you for getting clean and bettering your life. if only you were bettering it to be in my life for once.

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