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An year back i had a relationship which was so good but didnt last much…because he kind of ghosted me after a month…then in that case i had a rebound relationship and it was a disaster…i broke up after 6 mnths …In the previous relationship there wasnt a breakup…we just lost touch…he tried to contact me after one month,he explained his situation…he was in a bad period etc. but i was into this rebound relationship…and i was angry towards him…recently i contacted him again…we still have the connection after this whole year…he sys he wants to correct the mistake…he regrets leaving me …i am confuesd

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...

keep your guard but let him have a chance


What if i lose our friendship


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