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Among all of you guys how many have stage fear and anxiety while performing infront of people.well i have this problem and sometimes it suckss really hard so any suggestions how can I overcome from all these things

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ahrstu
9 replies

vikram chouhan @vschouhan


See if the thing you have to perform comes naturally to you it won’t be a problem and if we are force to say or do something public that we are not comfortable with that most of us struggle. So don’t think so much


I want to feel natural bt automatically my hands start shaking I feel like i going to fell down and it seems like i am having an asthma attack πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ‘‹ it lacks in breathing and all these types of things

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ahrstu

Ahrstu @ahrstu


I’m blessed enough that I don’t feel anxious on the stage…

Saying that, I tried once to know why so?
Tbh Whenever I go to stage, in the starting few minutes I do feel awkward/conscious/judgy/anxious… Specially when I’m playing any instrument (bcs it requires extra time for setup and stuffs)… In all those minutes I just try to find MY PEOPLE (it feels a little bit homy) and If I’m performing in front of totally unknown people, I try to make eye contact with any random being, idk why but it make me calm.

And just at the moment I start performing whether it is an act or Music or anything… Nobody matters anymore.


It’s opposite for me. I can’t make i contact with people watching me performing so i just close my eyes and tries to get normal

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ahrstu

Ahrstu @ahrstu


Yeahh ik. It’s easier said then Done. And Ik it’s tough, if you face stage anxiety… But that’s all I could help with.

Btw what are you gonna perform??

404_notfound @chilly_pill...


I have performed first i was shaking very much then crowd cheered so then i got kinda comfortable bt little bit my hand was shaking all time while performing

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ahrstu

Ahrstu @ahrstu


Shivering of Hand is NORMAL.
Most of the people face this, unless they are really PRO.

But I’m glad that your performed well. Best of luck for your future events!

404_notfound @chilly_pill...


Ya that’s the matter with me like i plays guitar and it’s not good if hands are shivering while playing guitar

404_notfound @chilly_pill...


Ya bt the thing is I have messed up becoz my hands were shivering and I was playing guitar so it’s the prblm


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