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am in love and in a relationship with a boy, we both love each other, and we are ready to get married and start a life from 0 together, without anything…

The issue is that the boy is not from my country… He’s from the country I am living in… But both have the same religion and both are like soulmates… The only thing is the language and the country… Other culture…

I am afraid now from telling my parents they are strict parents,they reject to get married to someone they Dont know the family and stuffs like those and I don’t know how they will take this when I will tell them… Am afraid if they reject, and the worst take from me all my things car, phone, pc, tablet, everything…

What should I do? How I should tell them without a instantly rejection? Did someone happened this with them before?

Please help…

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Hi, thanks for taking time to reply…

The issue is that am not sure if my parents will let me end what I want to say… And they maybe reject directly without let me talk and sya all what I want to say

I love the guy, I am ready to do anything but don’t want to lose my parents and family, neither loose the guy I love… Am confused

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I Wil… I will. I am just looking the best way to do it as I need to do it in the right momento without any issues pray for me to have everything fine and they’ll accept

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