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Am I wrong or rude that I don’t want to spend 1 on 1 time with my uncle? Like he has been gone for 11 years and i haven’t heard from him at all until a few weeks before he came to town. And now he wants me to show him around town, but i don’t have time nor do i even know him that much anymore. There also has been past stuff that has happened that i don’t feel comfortable being just him with me. He left when i was 8 and now im 19 and i just don’t feel comfortable and i want to say no bc one i don’t have time either.

8 replies

it’s not rude at all, it’s completely understandable


Just my family makes me feel like anytime i say no bc i don’t want to do something is rude but im tired of saying yes to stuff i don’t want to do.


i get that. it’s not selfish or rude to not want to do something, people often forget that. if you don’t feel comfortable and if you don’t have time, you simply can’t do it. its okay to put yourself first, don’t ever feel bad about that :)


Thank you i really needed to hear that bc im the person that always puts other persons needs before mine and it just doesn’t help me in the end if that makes sense.


100% makes sense. it’s like you’re always there for people even though people aren’t there for you and the minute you decide to be there for yourself, you become some sort of villain. put yourself first! you deserve to do that <3


Thank you so much u have really helped. I’m going to put myself first more bc with me suffering with depression really bad maybe putting myself will help me more.


glad i could help! i would definitely try doing that, i wish you the best!

Sanket @sanket

Perhaps use this chance to reconnect with him?


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