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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Am about to call a helpline
I was raped by one of my family members and my parents didn’t exactly support me because of the reputation being spoiled and everything
I desperately wanna call but am just really scared rn
Can someone just say something or push me to make that call please I really need it

61 replies

What happened


I mean who did this shame ful thing


What’s your age


17 and I don’t wanna talk about it here… i just need someone to push me to make that call


Ask your parents to do the call or else you will take action against this shameful thing


I already said they don’t support me…
they have asked me not to report it or talk about it even


Who was the person behind this activity! ?


As i said before I don’t wanna share it here…


You can make that person live his life behind bars, your case can ruin his life. Go for it


Do you want to talk personally?


Rest it’s upto you


Am scared


When did it happen


When i was 6-7 and again in 2020 he asked me to do it again but i said no so nothing happened in 2020 but was an attempt


Then just slap him whenever he try to talk to you


It’s not that easy…


But it’s necessary


Ik that but i just idk my body freezes around him i just try to pretend and act normal


This is important to show him that you can speak and you can make his life hell


Be bold , be confident. Your silence can boost his bravery of doing it


But in reality I can’t…


Where are you from




If you are from my locality, I can interfere


No… that’s not needed…


Who is that person, and why parents are silent


What kind of parents you have? Whatever happens, I don’t think you should remain silent, if something has not happened as per your wish then you should raise your voice for yourself.


Then I can’t say anything


It’s someone from my family and my parents say that we can’t report him because people will guilt blame my parents and their reputation will be spoiled


That’s old thinking, now the person who does it will get effect and not the one who suffered


The thing is if I complain or anything i will have to be standing against my own parents and i feel guilty for doing so


But my parents say because he is from our family it will ruin our family’s name and my parents will be blamed for irresponsibly


Nothing will happen just slap him


He will hit me back and my parents won’t even do anything because it’s normal behaviour for them and they will just think we are play fighting



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I wasn’t able to… they were ashamed of everything and didn’t wanna hear it

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I hate them… I don’t even want them in my life i have been telling them all this for more than 2 years and even before I suffered in silence and still they don’t feel anything it’s just suffocating to live around them all

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That’s what am wanting to do but am hesitating to do so
Am scared of the consequences

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I don’t have any support, my parents don’t support me

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What am I supposed to say , how should i start the conversation, i start to shiver and my voice starts to tremble when i talk about it


You are your own best support, you should not have expectations from your parents…

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They are my parents, everyone expects their parts to support them atleast in such cases…


How is that my fault…

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Whatever is going on inside you, speak it directly, at least you will not regret in future that you did not even try it for yourself.


It’s really hard to… I expected my parents to do something but they all live happily and laugh and stuff as if nothing happened and i just feel like stabbing myself everytime they are together happily living their lives as if they didn’t do anything


How should i start…
It’s my first time calling a helpline

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ChatGPT 3.5


how to start conversation on helpline for women who want to report harassment, stalking or phone-related abus



Starting a conversation on a helpline for women reporting harassment, stalking, or phone-related abuse requires sensitivity and clarity. Here’s a suggested approach:

Greet and Establish Trust: Begin with a warm greeting and express gratitude for them reaching out. Use language that conveys empathy and understanding, such as “Hello, thank you for contacting our helpline. My name is [Your Name], and I’m here to support you.”

Assure Confidentiality: Reassure them of confidentiality and anonymity if it’s guaranteed by the helpline. You could say something like, “Please know that everything you share with us is confidential. We’re here to listen and help you in any way we can.”

Invite Sharing: Encourage them to share their experience at their own pace. Be clear that they can share as much or as little as they’re comfortable with. For example, “You’re in a safe space here. You can share whatever you’re comfortable with, and we’ll listen without judgment.”

Clarify Purpose: Briefly explain the purpose of the helpline and what services you offer. Let them know they’re not alone and that help is available. For instance, “Our helpline is here specifically for women experiencing harassment, stalking, or any form of phone-related abuse. We’re here to provide support, resources, and guidance to help you navigate through this.”

Active Listening: Listen attentively to what they have to say. Use active listening techniques such as paraphrasing and reflecting back their emotions to show understanding and validation.

Provide Resources: Offer relevant resources or services that can assist them further, such as legal advice, counseling, or safety planning. Make sure they know about any available support networks in their area.

Empowerment: Empower them to take the next steps that feel right for them. Offer options and let them know they have control over their decisions. Avoid pressuring them into any course of action.

Closure: Before ending the conversation, summarize key points discussed and reassure them that they can reach out again if needed. Thank them for contacting the helpline and remind them that support is available whenever they need it.

Remember to remain patient, non-judgmental, and respectful throughout the conversation, allowing the caller to feel heard and supported.


how to start conversation in helpline number if you are women who want to report harassment



When starting a conversation on a helpline number to report harassment, it’s essential to feel safe and supported. Here’s a suggestion on how to begin:

Introduction and Purpose: “Hello, I’m [Your Name]. I’m calling because I need to report an incident of harassment that I’ve been experiencing.”

Brief Description: Provide a concise overview of the harassment you’re facing, including any relevant details such as the nature of the harassment, frequency, and any safety concerns you may have.

Clarify Assistance Needed: Let the helpline operator know what specific assistance or support you’re seeking. For example, if you’re looking for guidance on legal options, safety planning, or emotional support.

Assure Confidentiality: Seek assurance of confidentiality if it’s a concern for you. You could say something like, “I’m concerned about my privacy and confidentiality. Can you assure me that my information will be kept confidential?”

Express Emotions: Share how the harassment has been impacting you emotionally or psychologically. This helps the operator understand the severity of the situation and provide appropriate support.

Provide Relevant Details: Be prepared to share any relevant details such as the identity of the harasser (if known), previous attempts to address the situation, and any evidence you may have.

Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have about the reporting process, available resources, or next steps.

Reiterate Need for Assistance: If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure, reiterate your need for assistance and guidance. Let the operator know if you’re in immediate danger or need urgent support.

Collaborate on a Plan: Work together with the helpline operator to develop a plan of action that addresses your immediate safety concerns and long-term needs.

Closure: Before ending the call, ensure that you have all the information you need and express gratitude for the assistance provided. Ask about follow-up steps or additional support options if necessary.

Remember, the helpline operator is there to support you, so don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for help. Your safety and well-being are paramount.


I made the call… thanks…


What did they say ?




The call lasted for 4 mins cause i told them the story and said I don’t wanna report yet and that i will once i turn 18 and i had a lot more questions but i just went blank so the call ended there


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