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Profile picture for Now&Me member @loner125

Yash Pandey @loner125

Am a very egoistic person but for her i put all my ego aside I don’t talk too much but with her i never stop talking i give up on person very easily but I don’t ever feel like giving up on her…she ain’t my gf or somthing just a kind friend…but I wanna know what is this feeling which I never do for anyone I do it for her???

Profile picture for Now&Me member @loner125
12 replies

barry girl @barry19


It’s someone who can change you
Maybe you like her.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @loner125

Yash Pandey @loner125


Yes i do like her nd I guess a lottt…

barry girl @barry19


Then that’s your answer.
You know that’s a feeling no can understand
It’s kind of complicated.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @loner125

Yash Pandey @loner125


Yea it’s a feeling no one can figure out but you yourself.

barry girl @barry19


I have a problem too
Can you help me out

Profile picture for Now&Me member @loner125

Yash Pandey @loner125



barry girl @barry19


I’m working as an speaking tutor at an IELTS institute and we are 7 speaking tutors there.
And there’s a student same as my age, who used to take advice and learn from me for like 8 days
But now he’s avoiding me
He’s goes to other teachers
And today there’s was a Holi function at the institute, 2 of the other teachers and i was sitting in the staffroom, he came and colored them but didn’t even wished.
And that’s kind of hurting me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @loner125

Yash Pandey @loner125


Did you do something which hurt him previously?ask yourself or any argument happened because of which he started ignoring you…and if u didn’t do anything wrong then just clarify things face to face…i guess this might pop out the problem and things could be settled between you both.

barry girl @barry19


We are nothing
And there’s was never a normal conversation between us
We just had a student teacher interaction
And i was very sweet with him but idk why he’s doing this
I’m not attracted towards him but still there’s something.
And i can’t ask him directly. It’ll we aukward.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @loner125

Yash Pandey @loner125


First of all you need to be sure about your feelings…if his ignorance affect to too much thn you might like him but don’t wanna accept it yet coz you know that you are a tutor and his is a student. And if you can’t ask him directly try and approach him indirectly and watch his behaviour


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