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Alright it is going to be a long one.
I have a job offer in Canada for which I have to move their by May 2022. I completed my education in sustainability during the pandemic only. Before that, I was living in bangalore. Since the pandemic, I have been living with my parents in out home town.
Now the problem is that my parents are not living a healthy life at all. They aren’t able to put on their own socks. They don’t want to make a single better change in thier lives. They don’t wanna use the treadmill. They don’t wanna improve their skill cycle. They don’t wanna better their diet. They are just not willing to help themselves and have been very reliant on me. They aren’t old enough to be living this life, but they just don’t want to help themselves.
They are silently reliant on me. And it sucks. I want to have a life that I worked for and it’s not in this third tier Indian city. I dont even have a single friend in this city. 2 years and zero place to vent and talk about what I feel like. And this doesn’t help my case in any way possible. I don’t want to spoil my life and in home, with my parents only trying to control my life in terms of what I wear, what I buy what I eat, I am not gonna be happy at all loving another day here.

I’m just venting, but if there is anything anyone want to say or add, please do.

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