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Profile picture for Now&Me member @isha1

Naina @isha1

All my friends are so fake
They all talk shit about eachother
It’s annoying and disgusting.
Sometimes they raise their voice say mean things
Even when they’re the one at fault.
It’s like I’ll never find a genuine friend
It’s so hard.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @forever
Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7
Profile picture for Now&Me member @arjun_778
Profile picture for Now&Me member @isha1
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @isha1

Naina @isha1


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It happens sometimes

Profile picture for Now&Me member @forever

Check if you can make bond with at least one of them otherwise I don’t think it’s wise to invest time in them.


Hey, if ur friends are all so fake and disgusting they are not ur friends. My advise is love urself and don’t let anyone I meant ANYONE destroy ur self love. If u unable to find anyone today dont worry u’ll find someone eventually😁😁

Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7

David @davidcr7

Is it because they are dominating or is it because of your incapability to put your points against them?
See everyone want to exercise power/domination and you gotta tell them what is acceptable and what is not.
And btw if you think that they are not good then why are you even maintaining friendship with them?
Would you recommend their friendship to your brother or sister ? No, isn’t it? So why degrade your morals for someone who just wanna take advantage of you.
If you are afraid of loneliness then let me tell you something, they will still leave you in need. So better choose who are good for you.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @arjun_778

Arjun Rathod @arjun_778

Can we become friends


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