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Again wasted my whole day overthinking. Don’t know what to do. Sometime I’m good and then nothing to do. I’m losing hope. It’s not motivation, it’s hope that’s I am losing now. May be because of that I become anxious.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
7 replies

I go through the same thing on SO many days. I try to be productive but then end up wasting the entire day “thinking” that I gotta work. But trust me, you’re not the only one feeling this way. I’m in this with youu. I’m sure you will figure it out. You will make it through. Please don’t lose hope as of yet!


How to not lose hope when you having a bad day

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Overthinking is something which kills you even when you don’t want to think. It’s fine and it happens with a lot of people. You are not alone.
My friends too overthink and so I can suggest things to help you out and maybe you can give it a try.

1. Whenever you feel I’ll do this afterwards or tomorrow, say this - I will first try it, if not able to do then i’ll do this again tomorrow and will do something else. By this, you are saying to yoursef to be productive.
2. Make a schedule in the morning or the night before or even for a week. Not a tight one but flexible where you atleast know that from this to this time I have things lined up.
3. Suppose you have wasted 2-3 days by not being productive and hence makes you lazy and lethargic, talk to yourself is this what I really want? I have to stand up and work again. I have to tell myself to buckle up and do my work. When you work according to a schedule trust me you feel accomplished. Try with small steps. Over a period of time you learn and it becomes a habit.
4. Everyday watch motivational/inspirational quotes/songs to get that zeal from inside. I do this too when i don’t feel like doing anything and just sit. I have put in my Laptop wallpaper which makes it easy to read it again and again.

Lastly, everyone deserves a day off! You do too. Sometimes take a day off to do what you like doing, be it sleeping, listening to music, watching Netflix and what not. And on the other days working hard to get a good life for yourself. 😊


Do u know what keep me away from overthinking? —Coding. Today I code, so I’m going happily to bed😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

That’s great to hear.
Just feel satisfied and happy before going to bed. It will create a whole positive vibe.💛


BTW thank you for the time.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

No problem!


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