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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.
Profile picture for Now&Me member @gojira319

Jayden @gojira319

After years of not being able to talk women up till grade 10, this shit feels overwhelming… So, guys, you see, I was in a school that completely abolished boy-girl interactions cuz the management took the Dubai government’s rules a bit too seriously, which was pretty much the only “con” it had along with the fact that it didn’t have classes for grade 11 and 12, so ultimately I had to move to different school once I finished my 10th. And when I did… it was absolute hell, shitty teachers shitty everything and stupidly high fees, but, boys and girls were allowed to freely interact. It went all downhill at that point, I had panic attacks every few seconds, I outright seemed rude to women cuz i outright ignored them during even the slightest interactions for obvious reasons and when I got to text a few them on insta they got creeped out by me cuz i didn’t know how to talk to them and I used the good ol’ “homiesexual” way, the most common way these days for boys to talk to… well boys and not girls. Now I am back to square one yet again, literally avoiding contact with all women in my school and I don’t know what to do, at this point people suspected me to be gay when in reality I’m definitely not but still, all this is borderline traumatizing to me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jessedardman
Profile picture for Now&Me member @gojira319
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @jessedardman

jesse @jessedardman

bro this is the most relatable post for me but in 12th i tried to overcome this fear and anxiety and at a certain level i did. This is the time bro don’t hesitate just talk to them they’re not gonna bite you. Interaction w opposite gender develops you as a person so go for it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @gojira319

Jayden @gojira319

I just started 12th, and yeah, I don’t really have the courage to talk to them, I’m fat, plus tall, which makes me look extra weird

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jessedardman

jesse @jessedardman

bruh if you think that you don’t look good or something then you can always improve yourself but imo don’t change yourself for others just talk to them they don’t really care.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @gojira319

Jayden @gojira319

Ig I’ll give it a try


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