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After watching like 20-30 informative videos on childbirth… plus, the struggles before n after, especially the point that I’ve never wanted to have a kid but my fiance does, I’ve only become super scared of this. I’m terrified of the possibilities… I mean… Episiotomy… c sec… coma… What not… I just can’t stop thinking what all could happen… And I would never want to do that to myself and my body. Any positives on this or anything that would change my mind?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @asooh
16 replies


Profile picture for Now&Me member @asooh

Asunder @asooh

People get on cars nd loose limbs or die in accidents sometimes but you still ride a car 🤷


So bearing a child, delivering one, raising that child… is as easy as driving a car? Wow! So intelligent of you!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @asooh

Asunder @asooh

I said nothing about driving nd i believe that if you weren’t trying to come across as smart you’d have understood what my point was🤷

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🤣🤣 I definitely didn’t bring any joy in my parents’ lives and I’d rather not discuss that. But tbh, that’s not even the issue.


Is it possible or ur inlaws n husband will agree to go for adoption or surrogacy?


No wayyyyy
My own family doesn’t support cuz of a ton of medical reasons…


As a psychology student in the development, first, you have to really try to understand the different stages that comes with it. I have been taking two courses and early childhood psychology, and I have learned a lot. 


Try to share your insecurities with your partner.


Been there, done that. Instead, he says that “motherhood” will change me and make me feel good abt myself…
Idk how


Then you should consider about delaying it a further. But keep in mind that there is something called healthy biological age


I need a healthy biological age for death now


Are you pregnant already?


Lol hell no. Nor do I want to be!


Then just never be. Do the surrogacy.


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