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After two days of interview and evaluation where in I invested so much itna preparation I did not recieved any call which directly means I m not selected… I have family responsibilities friends to answer and now I m broken
Demotivate x 100

Profile picture for Now&Me member @parzival
Profile picture for Now&Me member @jaggajasoos
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @parzival

Sam @parzival

Keep trying, i was in the same place, but now I got placed , took me lots of tries , but you will get it

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Sai Kiran @saikiran19083

Keep trying never give up, just focus on your preparation and give interviews don’t think about the results

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @jaggajasoos

Himanshu @jaggajasoos

Keep trying bro this is the only way there’s a saying no hard work goes waste, your hard work will manifest somewhere in your life and you’ll be amazed then. All the best for your future


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