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3am ThoughtsThought


After the guilt of not doing a single thing today which is very very important, i am not able to sleep with myself. So to avoid that feelings i have been binge watching hoping that i will eventually fall asleep while watching. But here i am wide awake and still drowning in my guilt. This is triggering my anxiety. Alll i feel is now heaviness and the fact that i am good for nothing.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anirudhk
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio
11 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anirudhk

Anirudh @anirudhk

It’s alright to not do something on a particular day, as long as you are doing okay in life doesn’t mean you have to be productive 24*7, it’s practically impossible


Its pilling up, day by day and week by week

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anirudhk

Anirudh @anirudhk

That doesn’t mean that you are never going to do it, sure it might look bleak but once the task at hand is over all the procrastination seemed pointless, it’s a vicious circle of planning to do things and actually when do it, so it’s alright you are not lost you are just lagging a bit.


What to do because i am hating myself for this

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anirudhk

Anirudh @anirudhk

You start by taking a deep breath and take a pen a paper or your phone or laptop make a plan for starters, even if it doesn’t go according to but a bit sideways it’s okay as long as you are completing it without banging your head to the wall ( metaphorically ) it’s alright



Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

Channelize that energy in making plan to achieve it. Remember, small steps ^^




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