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Profile picture for Now&Me member @naresh69

loneranger 1 @naresh69

addicted to only one bad habbit i dont know how to get rid of it,tried every frkeing way … but my mind is constaly thinking of it .some days i even masurbate 3 or 4 times in 24 hrs to get relif from tht thinking …i dono whats gona happen in my futre .im unable to wven concentrate on my studys now ,even skipping work in home to watxh pn , idk where i did a mistake which made me to this extreme level of watching ,
now a days im getting lot of intrest
in telgram group where i can find peoplwith same of my intrests and spending lot of time there ,CAN ANYONE HELP ME !!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @naresh69
4 replies

The best way to get rid of this… Is to accept it… That I’m not doing anything wrong… This is what humans do… We feel attracted to other genders and it’s ok to masturbate.

So just accept it and don’t feel any guilt because you ain’t doing wrong.

And try controlling your frequency… But by being positive…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @naresh69

loneranger 1 @naresh69

yes beo ,but before i was okay ,used to masturbate for day after day but its increased rapidly ,and effecting my day to day life and my way of thinking, im not being my self when i wnter tht world ,
only thing tht hold me before was pubg ,but my phone is old now its been 4 yrs since i bought i so im unable to play game now and all my concentration is diverted to porn now ,idk how will i get on life ,🙁

MM @monkeymind

Just try out some new activities or try building some productive hobbies it will help you out… And for it you have to start trying new things


Everything is good if we know how to control it. Addiction means something else. Sometimes we don’t want to do the things we do but we can’t control it. So if you want to get rid of it, u have to avoid the things that led u to do this, i mean pictures, videos and all.
It’s very hard to come back but it feels good rather than frustration and exhaustion.


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