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Academic pressure is the most underrated thing ever. You know what sucks? When people expect you to perform best in every fucking exam of every fucking subject and let me tell you this viscious cycle never ends. People fail to see you as a human being anymore they think of you as some fucking robot or something who is fucking going to perform good in every single exam of every single subject. And this just not ends here… Nobody is willing to see the struggle behind…the physical, mental, emotional struggle. I have always been a good student but now I’m just done wearing this fake mask of perfection all the time. I am a human being for God’s sake. I’m not a perfectionist. How tf can I perform perfect in every single exam. Med school has crushed my mental health. I keep getting anxiety attacks during my exam and test periods now but nobody nobody wants to listen to me. Not even my parents… I feel trapped. There is no way out. I just want this pain to end. This stress to end. I’m working hard for so long… So so long…and trust me the output has never been the same as my input. I’m miserable. I don’t belong to this toxic environment anymore. But I know there is no way out… I have to do this at any cost and honestly I feel pretty miserable about myself sometimes.

8 replies

Hey there. I’m a med student too. I’m in final prof too and I’ve always been academically good. I’m probably the most hardworking kid in my entire relatives and all (they think so lol).
I just feel you should develop a thick skin and not care about what they expect. I have personally been through so many bad situations coz of the expectations from my family and I’ve let them down deliberately so that they don’t put so much pressure on me. I’m sure you take thinks said by your parents seriously and that is the reason you feel this. So start relaxing a bit, you’re in med school and I think you will definitely get out of here as a doctor. You will pass the exams.
And for that anxiety problem - I have it too. My final prof exams will happen soon and due to pandemic I have no idea how to do examination of patients. Nobody in my class knows because we were at our homes. And guess what the external examiners don’t care if there was a pandemic. They fail students as if they don’t care. Imagine how bad it is. I’m a type A personality and that makes it even worse.
So I’ll just suggest you chill and study as much as you can without making yourself suffer.
And be proud that you’ll be a doctor!!! All this will be worth the effort soon.

P.s. which prof are you in?


Your words are such a relief. I’m in 4th proff. Which country?


India. What about you?




So we are neighbours!! That’s cool. Just keep moving forward! You got this!!
Also what are you planning to do ahead? Usmle or plab or staying in your country?


Honestly I don’t wanna stay in this country, so USMLE most probably. Why?




Sameee. Gonna give usmle.


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