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3am ThoughtsThought


A year of therapy taught me a lot of things. I have realized that hypergamy is not really real. Men and women have their preferences & they are free to choose. I am not entitled to a woman’s love just like a woman isn’t entitled to my love. Just like I am free to choose, so are women. Money is important & having money makes life easier & more comfortable. When people can choose a more comfortable life, they will. Hating on the opposite gender (male/female) won’t get you anywhere. Human beings are different from another and no two women/men are the same. Learn to pick better and you will find that life is good. While you are entitled to your preferences, express them respectfully and don’t go around disrespecting people who don’t match your preferences. Lastly be a decent human being first than being a masculine man/feminine woman. This will help your mental health.

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Thank you buddy


Perfectly written🖤


Thank you


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