Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

A Truth

I was thinking too small. I want to change the world for the better. This small town is my starting point. I will go on to help millions. This is a message to myself, but also the world; You, I, everyone, are more than just this body we are all a soul, and we deserve to better ourselves and live in harmony with that soul. We have lost our connection to our true self a limitless source of life, love, peace, and harmony. ONE with another. We are all one and the same a part of something so much greater. An existence not limited to this now presently microscopic view and understanding of this world. A place of joy so profound that you could float past the moon. A Joy so profound it’s your propulsion to explore the galaxy both known and unknown. We can taste a small portion of that here. We do this by looking in and doing the work to free this mind enough to talk with your soul.

We are currently in a world that seems so ugly… Many of us see it yet have no idea what to do so we turn a blind eye. This must stop… We cannot, CANNOT, bear this in silence the soul is pure. It is the snow before it has reached the mountain top. The SOUL is the very source of life and light that lets you and I exist. The most amazing part is that my soul and yours are the same just currently separated and learning lessons in various forms. My lesson has a name: David What’s your lesson?

We can be more than just this life even while we are here in fact we can tap in right now. Sounds crazy doesn’t it, but I promise it’s true. As a little test I want you to believe me right now and with all your heart and mind imagine a peace and contentment so complete you think you could stay right here right now forever. Picture in your mind your happiest moment that you may have ever had. It can be anything this isn’t limited to anyone or anything. It can be as simple as feeling safe and warm if it resonates with you. Keeping pushing into that feeling and tell yourself you love everything about the life that is you. Speak to your soul reach inside and hug your soul. Embrace the ecstasy of love you feel for yourself and for this world and everything and everyone in it. Feel the connection we have to each other and this world that is made just for us.

This has all been said before and this is just my journey of stumbling into it. I didn’t even look for this. I was in a circumstance where I found an overwhelming amount of time and absolutely nothing to do… Trust me when I say I wasted a lot of time doing worthless things. Things that didn’t push me towards an inner awareness. A lot of that time spent angry at the world… When really the feelings I was having was a SOUL screaming to be nourished and nurtured. It was telling me I didn’t need to feed my lusts or addictions. Both of which I will state humbly and without reservation because we are all human. I was addicted to porn and gaming to hide from this life and numb the never-ending pain I lived in. These addictions were also just to replace substance abuse. Now I wasn’t as far as some slip in, but I was far enough to realize if I didn’t stop, I’d die that way. This pain was both mental and physical. However, I was blessed to have an amazing family that took me in. They helped set in motion the start of a look inward. I hope to be that same start for you all or if not a start, but another platform for you to launch further within to achieve peace and enlightenment.

What seems to be a touchy subject in the world in general no matter where we are is God. I want us for a moment to take out every pre-conceived idea we may have had. Feel this life take a breath with the thought that, that breath is breathing life into trillions of cells all doing unique jobs just for us. They communicate and act seemingly autonomously, but that magic is God. An “unknown” source of life and that light we see in someone’s eyes. We are a part of God, and he is a part of us. There is no separating that. This is a radical thought, but we should all encourage each other to seek the truth for ourselves. Whatever that means for you, whether that be prayer or meditation, hiking and thinking, skydiving, Sunday driving. Search inside and ask your SOUL for the truth. It will answer earnest and sincere seekers. This process is not fast, not that it can’t be. One process that helped me greatly even paramount to my enlightenment is RET or Rapid Eye Technique. An amazing therapy modality that truly works. It seems strange at first, but if you dive in and do the work and realize the truth of your reality, I promise you it’s worth it.

All the things I mention will be listed for resources for you to get ahold of for yourself. By the time you read this I too will be a Certified Technician of RET. As I stated we can’t be idle in this life we have been given. I want the most out of my experience in this world. For me that is helping as many as I can that want to wake up to a different life. I started by becoming a technician and then pursuing a contract with a Youth Prison in Burns Oregon. At first, I thought small I just thought helping these boys find a truth within themselves so they could go out and live happy lives. Then I was lying in bed and bam it hit me… This belongs to all of us, we all need to hear what is real. There are others out here telling us and I’m just one more, but I must do my best for us all. My best is here in this text and hopefully in person too someday. I want to reach far and wide to the farthest reaches of this world. To bring our heaven on earth. This heaven is our peaceful existence in happy bliss it is possible. This doesn’t mean we won’t have bad days, but it means we are actively seeking, no matter the day that inner peace.

The life we live here is short. We should seek to make the most of it for ourselves and make sure we help those around us as well.  
4 replies

My day couldn’t have felt better, it was so intruding to read something like this. I too have quite similar thoughts but as you mentioned, had a blind eye after few attempts to change things around the pathetic place this world has become. Your words again lit a fire inside me to seek the truth and to propagate the same to others.


That’s amazing I’m glad it re-lit that within you. I want nothing more than to bring awareness to others that they are so much more!


A great read. Thanks for writing in this much detail and expressive so that it touches ones heart.


I’m so glad you found it touching. I hope happiness and love stays with you always.


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