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3am ThoughtsThought


A relationship of 7 months did alot of damage to me so i can’t even begin to comprehend how much you are hurting…relative to yours, my relationship was not long, but still i cant seem to bear the weight of the pain on my chest…buddy, why dont we guys start livinh for ourself…support ourself like we support ourself, give ourself time and space that we give to others, lets start treating ourselves with the passionate love we used to do to our partners…saying all these things was easy but i still need to imply all these in my life as welll, so brother ill only say that you stay hard…bcoz its about drive, its about power 😁

Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly
11 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly

we stay hungry we devour 😭


Put in the work, put in the hours 😵

Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly

and take what’s ours 😩



Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly

Black and Samoan in my veins


I dont know what’s after that😭😭


Are you still in love with them?


Hell yeah, i am… Head over heels for her, even though she was toxic for me and vice versa


Well, then take the time to heal.


Why do you think she was toxic to you


I became too emotionally dependant on her


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