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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

A month before my 21st birthday, out of nowhere, she asked my how long since my last escapade in sex? I told her it was with her, nearly 2 years back. She chuckled and told me she had one a couple of month back. And she went on to explain how I shouldn’t be affected and that it was time to move on.
Dear reader, now its getting dark. My eyes have swollen. Things I am recalling, haven’t been said or thought of, by me, ever since that fateful night in February 2019 when we said our goodbyes . I used to be smart, elegant, kind and loving. I have spent 2 years in loving a woman, and a year courting her. I feel as if someone took my heart out and squeezed it. I have seen things in my life, but I was never hopeless. I was always looking forward to something. But with her gone, out of my life, I do not see the reason to live. My past will soon catch up with me. And when it does, I don’t want to go out like a shadow of a man. I am nothing now. I study, I work and keep myself busy. But every second, I feel , dead. She was the only thing keeping my alive and happy. And someone up in the fucking clouds, has taken my happiness away for the last time. I am lost without her. For some reason I have this constant pain in my lungs. Or heart. I don’t know. All I know is that cigarettes will push your loved ones away. It would take away your sense of smell. All I try to do now is try and finds her smell. But cigarettes have made my sense of smell weak. I cant even remember how she smells. I cant. I want to. Its getting dark again. Too dark to see

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker

bro i hear you and i cannot understand what you are going through but i m here for you…


When there is darkness all around…
U need to find that small source of light or ray of hope…
It feels miserable…
Can understand…
N i know u are trying…
N it is very difficult
Very challenging for u

Matters of heart are very very delicate…

But you know what u are so young
You have a bright future that awaits u
But for that u need to come out of ur past…
I know it is easy for me to write…

But see take it like this,
From the day u were born
Was she with you
No right
N the period of ur togetherness can in no way exceed the period u have spend without her
U had a life before her too…

Yes time with her might be the most beautiful or happy time…

But then what can be done…

It pains a lot
She has moved on

But u too need to move…

Be courageous…

Donot you think you deserve a lot better

Why are you punishing urself???

I am so sorry if any of my words hurt u
Ur posts are heart wrenching
N i really dnt know how to make u feel better…

All i can say is pls RESTART YOUR LIFE.






I am so so sorry. I never wish this feeling on my worst enemy. I do not mean to come off harsh if thats what this sounds like but im going to give this to you straight. You deserve to be happy and the only way you can be truly happy is to find happiness within yourself. You need to find something that makes you feel alive. You need to get over her completely and you actually might need to cut her out of your life in order to move on. Its hard to move on from our exs when theyre still in out lives, and its even harder to hear their stories with other lovers. This is not a good place to be in… I worry for you. I really hope you let her go for your sake. For your mental and emotional well being. I wish the best for you…


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