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Body DysmorphiaThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sandwichjam

Sammy Maxwell @sandwichjam

A lot of people have been telling me about how out of shape, or fat I am. And they think It’s the most funniest thing ever. I hate my body, and of course, they don’t know that. But still, you should be calling no one fat or out of shape. And that’s the reason I don’t eat anymore

3 replies

I am so sorry about it love. I know what its like because I have been living like this since my childhood. I empathize with you. You shouldnt stop for the sake of others. Try curbing your urges for your own health. I struggle to do so but atleast i know its the right thing.

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its me @itsme097

Hey. I am so sorry people have been throwing shit at you. You don’t deserve it.

Your body houses an incredible person as you and that’s the most primary function of this body.

However, if you have a difficult or discomforting relationship with you body, there is scope for healing. Don’t be disheartened. Happy times await you.


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