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Profile picture for Now&Me member @classy_garima03

Garima jain @classy_garima...

A little depressed…I heard that my frnds grandpa passed away two days back and he was in regret becoz he was unable to make memories with them…and when I had a conversation with my bestfrnd on this she told me to spend more time with mine becoz I am hardly able to do that and I also feel bad about it. My bestfrnd was saying everything good only but that things hurt me a bit like they made me overthink them.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @classy_garima03
6 replies

So then may be go spend time with your grand parents…iam sure it’ll make you feel better and help with the overthinking.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @classy_garima03

Garima jain @classy_garima...

You might be right but I don’t get time and becoz of some issues sometimes it’s unable to talk to them


Try calling or video calling them.
Even if that’s not possible send them good vibes and pray for their health and well being.
Btw here’s me sending hugs for your grandparents.
And Garima hope you feel better soon.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @classy_garima03

Garima jain @classy_garima...

They live with us only but I will definitely talk to them… thankyou 😍

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