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Vesper Stars @vesper

A homophobe is really tryna start a fight with me, an adult is trying to fight a minor because they’re a lesbian AND trans literally like bro… don’t you got a girlfriend to go to?

5 replies

I feel like the most homophobic people are those who have it internalised. So they’re projecting their own insecurities on people. If not, it baffles me how much people care about someone they don’t know and a random person’s sexuality. Like get a life😭

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Vesper Stars @vesper

The best part is, HE’S AN ADULT arguing with someone who is quite a few years younger with him saying “don’t get angry when we misgender you” like sir, why not? Questioning how I said I’m agender and lesbian my god and EVEN SAID “a lesbian can’t be agender” my British eyes were wide AND MY MOUTH WAS ON THE FLOOR

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Vesper Stars @vesper



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