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Just Check @bracket

A girl insult me daily on a group chat and then apologize to me personally.
She always says she will not do this again etc etc
What should i do
Should i insult her in the group or just ignore her
The group is very important for me and i can’t leave the group
Please help

Profile picture for Now&Me member @himanshujangra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @witty_witch
Profile picture for Now&Me member @flowofemotions
12 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @himanshujangra

Himanshu @himanshujangra

Just say … I love you…

Just Check @bracket

Its not about love
She misunderstood one thing and from that day she Just target me


Don’t talk to her and tell her that you don’t like the way she talks and it would be great if we don’t talk because it hurts me the way you talk…
Tell her how you feel and then also she is talking to you the same way then cut her off from your life because it’s not good for your mental health.

Just Check @bracket

yes she is the group admin type
Once i told her she is shit and she removed me
I am fucked :( Plus all member just see me as sus

Profile picture for Now&Me member @flowofemotions

Ishita Khanna @flowofemoti...

Show them your worth and express how you feel because it is necessary to show people how you feel. Don’t suffocate yourself by those emotions let it out. Everyone deserves respect so do you so don’t let anybody talk to you disrespectfully.

Just Check @bracket

I will try my friend
Thank you :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @witty_witch

♡Aryaa♡ @witty_witch

Give her very own taste of spoon in that group chat man. Don’t let her get you down. It looks like she wanted others to think lowly of you or take you as granted. I repeat there is a limit for tolerance.

Just Check @bracket

I will try this
It sure gave me mental trauma
I will just wait for her to insult me
And then i will do this
Ty for your response

Profile picture for Now&Me member @witty_witch

♡Aryaa♡ @witty_witch

No mention man. Never let anyone down. Even if it’s ur closed one’s. Mental health matters. 😇❤❤❤


Next tym when she does that on the grp chat, jst tell her right away in that grp itself that u don’t like it and it’s not funny. And if she says sorry to u personally tell her in the grp chat that she insulted u in front of everyone and she shld apologize in front of everyone and not personally.

Just Check @bracket

Yup this is a good option too
Thank you friend


If she does that again, jst sue her. Go file a complaint. Nobody has the right to insult anyone.


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