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3am ThoughtsThought


A genuine question, what to do when someone is keep on throwing their decisions at you and you feel like falling apart each day?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hussain3797
11 replies
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What if they are too manipulative and you wanted to make any decision against them is disrespectful towards them since he’s your father.

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I don’t know why I have to deal with this, why parents love is exchanged with them wanting to control us or else we’re not a good person, I don’t know why feeling or wanting something we feel is right is crime, people say you should be patient and let god do the justice and you’ll be fine one day, but those aren’t have patience with life are not good, I feel like this world is brain washing me so bad, I starting to forget what I really want in the first place.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hussain3797

Hussain Mandli @hussain379...

Argue, never let someone else control your life
Argue, fight and leave


Is this a correct way to deal with situations? isn’t there any other way where you can make other person realise their wrong doing?


And make them accept they’re wrong and needs to be improve.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hussain3797

Hussain Mandli @hussain379...

Been there, tried alot of things, people always try to dominate other, even if there wrong they never accept it then why should be compromise remember your innocence will always use for taking advantage from you.
Have a solid and firm opinion, if your wrong humbly accept it but if your right then let all hell break lose.
Your the architect for your own life create it as you wish.


I really love this powerful message, thanks for helping it actually helps.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hussain3797

Hussain Mandli @hussain379...


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