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A bit depressed.

So I broke up with my bf just yesterday because he verbally abused me and never care about my feelings. I have cried a lot of times at night feeling alone. But I miss him too bcoz I loved him with my whole heart. Now I am confused if I should go to him or not.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @archita28
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anerdwhocries
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @archita28

Archita @archita28


I can understand it’s a tough situation. Try to stay calm He is not good for you if he disrespects you then you need to respect yourself which you did. That’s amazing it takes a lot of strength to do it you are so brave. Honey time will pass things will get better you had no option he was toxic you made the right call. A couple of days are going to be very tough cry until you feel ok and then try to accept the reality the facts don’t let emotions drive you. This is your battle and you need to fight it alone noone is ever gonna come and help you. You are responsible for this you need to fix it give yourself time try staying busy so you think less spend time with family or best friends who can understand you. Tc I believe in you. Don’t give up you have a long journey ahead

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anerdwhocries

NEVER! You took a very brave step and cared about yourself. I am proud of you that you did it. Now I know you love him and you would have spent countless nights crying over him. It happens. Because your feelings were pure. But let me tell you babe HE DIDN’T DESERVED YOU! YOU DESERVE HEAVENS SO WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO SETTLE FOR A FAKE PEARL SINKED DEEP INSIDE THE OCEAN? DON’T GO BACK TO HIM!


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