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3am ThoughtsThought


8.51 am

a part of me is paranoid, loathing myself for being slow, all the insecurities, having reacted at my bf n others due to my insecurities, and so much stupidites…
Also the fact how in the past 1-1.5 months i got burnout and fatigued due to anxiousness, guit, overthinking and overly expecting from my self despite having some tasks on my -to-do lists still pending from a while
i also got up from covid and so many other physical and mental n emotional factors within and outside of me

And the other part is telling myself it’s sooo okay. I so shouldn’t compare myself to others. it is okay is many tasks and things were undone, somany were done atleast. It is very much okay to be off work, and just crawl if i couldn’t for all thie while, life is here, it is now is ahead, it is beautiful. damn anxiety…but yeah coming backt o it… mind working slow and full of thoughts n anxiousness…it’sokay…life is ahead. life is now. life is beautiful

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