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7 sep…NEET UG result released…
I got only 270 marks(GEN CATEGORY)…its been tough for me too digest…I did worked hard day and night…nd was blank during the exams…here my all friend got good marks nd gonna be selected…

I m going for another drop…it will be my second drop…I feel like everyone around will make fun of me… what to do guys…i m very career oriented…i wanna Do MBBS…

Any suggestion to calm me down…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunny04
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunny04

Sunny Seth @sunny04

Stop looking for things that’ll sooth your soul. Let things break you. The weakest moments will give you your strongest reasons.

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Don’t worry about others… If you wanna achieve something so badly, then go for it…


May be she might clear it in the 3rd attempt right…!


It’ll be her 2nd attempt and there’s nothing bad in trying again…

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Well I went through the same situation after my 1st drop I took admission in a different stream , then dropped out of college and then took mbbs admission in Ukraine, and now gave neet again this year , I won’t be selected for government seat yet am hopeful to get a private seat here or abroad


Been through the same situation as you. I was lucky enough to get admission in government college after my first drop. But it’s hard. You should believe in your dreams and goals. Dont stop untill you achieve satisfactory results.
Change your study pattern, your classes or notes or books you refer to. Discuss summarise what you read. Don’t make rash plans about studying.
You will get through and trust me it literally doesn’t make any sense about how attempts you make, because once you get in, you will be a doctor… Same as anyone who got admission last year or this year or like you next year.
Make yourself a better doctor and every attempt will be worth it!!


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