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4 years of relationship, After 1 year of silence my boyfriend tell me he going to be married and send me his alliance photo. And begging me to forgive him. He scattered my hope and my heart. My heart broken again with same wounds. This time I felt so heavy because the reality hit me that I can’t be together with him anymore. God pls end this pain.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hitman_reborn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @vinay20
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sk4214
7 replies

Give yourself time everything will be fine soon👍

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hitman_reborn

Hitman @hitman_reborn

If that one years of silent
Sleep now

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vinay20

Vinay Jangra @vinay20

No cure for such people…a girl being in relationship for such a long time…says one day…we can’t be together more let’s quit…and blocks every means of meeting or talking…for a hidden relationship betraying on my pious love


It is what it is. Accept > Cry / or not > Hit your for focus on thing that matters (Family , Career, Health) > Grow to become happy

Best wishes. Stay strong. Its phase, its shall too pass.

william @hehe_siuuu

he did not deserve you , it is better to end it now , then after a big commitment , just think in a way , that god saved from a big liar.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sk4214

sk @sk4214

Where r u from?




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