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2021 has been a tough year for me and my family. my father lost his job during covid, and he is the only bread winner. then my elder brother started a job, which wasn’t really enough to sustain us, but we made do with it. then my idiot of a brother started spending his salary on electronics (buying on EMI) and new clothes, not leaving enough for things like groceries. All of our family savings were going towards only my brother and sustaining his “lifestyle”.

Now that my father has found another job, my brother decided to quit his. we have loans and lots of emis to pay.

My anxiety and mental health has been down in the drains for a long time now. I’m still a university student, i paid my fee from scholarships, i even devoted 90% of the scholarship money to house expenses.

I dont no how much longer I can take this.

7 replies

If you can earn , earn. (Side hustle ). Ask your brother to find another job. And don’t let him purchase stuff. Usko samjhao thik se.


he says that spending money on things he likes is the only source of “peace” to him as of now, otherwise he gets stressed.
I did do some internships for earning a little for a while, and am now looking for full time jobs.

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Hey bro,

I think this was 1st job of your brother. Thus he is behaving this way.

See at the moment there is no fruitful use of being anxious 😰 for all this happening. Now you need to think of ways by which u and ur brother could help in household expenses.

How old are you and your brother?
For example u can give tutions to student, help then do their projects.
If u guys are eligible, you can look from some freelance work/ wrok from home.
Or part time jobs.

Hope all things turn ok soon
Sending you big virtual hug 🤗


hey, im the person who posted this. Thanks for your advice. I did do some internships for earning and am now looking for full time jobs.

Thanks for the cheer :)


(Third person)

Dear Anon
You are correct but all this will need slot of time.
It would require some extra ordinary content and it will take much more time to get popular… And make a living out of it.

So i would suggest, plz go for traditional methods to earn…


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