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Sayali @sayaliii3

2 days after break I called my bf today . He sound great like before . He said he also miss me . And I felt happy after hearing that . He also said that this break can also end soon . Like not that soon but after 1-2 months hope Soo it ends soon . I miss him Soo much everyday . But I’ve to also give him his space . I’m trying to control myself to not to call him but sometimes I can’t . Hope so he will forgive me for everything I Did in this period of break and we will get together again soon .

7 replies



That’s being hopeful of you. I wonder if he hasn’t found someone else already.
I don’t think you should pine your hopes too much.
If he too misses you, did he choose to msg or call you?
I guess this break actually means a break. And who knows he might just be having a fling or 2 in the meanwhile.

Sayali @sayaliii3

No he has not . Even he call me sometime . And this is break not breakup . Break to heal because I’ve hurt him a lot . .


Then I sure hope none of you bring this period, whatever happens in this break period and However you hurt him ever again between the 2 of you when you do get together again and end your break.

All the best. Take care.

Sayali @sayaliii3

Thankyou 💕

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