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β€ΊPersonal Growthβ€ΊThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum

junk DNA @tum

#1 Life lesson’s : Things You Must Remember When Everything Goes Wrong

* It is Best to Confront Your Pa;in and What Went Wrong and then Move On* -One of the worst things you can do is to pretend like nothing happened to you when something ho;rrible goes wrong. Something very bad did happen to you.
When Everything Goes Wrong, Use it as an Opportunity to Improve - Regardless of what happens to you, make sure that you use your negative experiences to improve. using misfortune as an opportunity to improve is that it gives you a new β€œpositive” goal outside yourself to focus on. This goal motivates you to improve and become a better person and not be held back by the misfortune you experienced
You Need to Avoid the Negativity of Others - There are some really negative people out there. If you spend time with negative people when something really bad happens to you, you are likely to remain pretty unhappy instead of getting better. Negative people can do a ton of damage to you and make your recovery from any misfortune very difficult, if not impossible
It Does Not Matter What Others Think
* Just know that Every Problem is Temporary*
There Are Always Going to be People Much Worse Off Than You -When you are very down about something, the best thing you can do is to remember that there are others that are worse off than you. Another very positive thing you can do is find others that you can help that are worse off than you. When you help others overcome their own difficulties, it puts your own problems in perspective and also allows a positive outlet for the pain you feel inside.
Most Growth Requires Pain

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