Do I Need Therapy? 11 Signs & Benefits to Consider

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13 December 2023

10 Mins

Therapy is that one newbie in today's society that everybody is curious about, but only from a distance. We hear about it, we see it in movies and shows, but seldom do we get into the depth of it to understand the whys and hows of it and to be able to appreciate it when you have no one to talk to.

What is therapy, really?

Therapy, commonly known as psychotherapy, refers to mental health services that cater to a broad range of issues in order to help people better equip themselves with their surroundings. It focuses on human behavior, feelings, emotions, and how one can achieve their goals, feel content and satisfied, and stay healthy.

However, there's still a question: Do I need a therapist? So, let's figure that out.

Do I need therapy?

If you are facing challenges such as stress, depression, or grief that are affecting your daily life, asking yourself, "Do I need therapy?" may be a beneficial step to consider. Therapy is not only for diagnosing mental health conditions; it can also help to deal with significant life stressors, relationship issues, and symptoms that are difficult to explain. Whether you are struggling with the loss of a loved one, work pressure, or changes in sleep and eating habits, therapy provides a supportive space to address these concerns.

The decision to seek therapy becomes important when uncomfortable issues begin to interfere with your relationships, daily responsibilities, and overall wellbeing. If you find it challenging to maintain contact, take care of yourself or others, or have difficulties at work or school, it may be time to consider therapy. If mental health conditions are not treated at the right time, it can lead to many challenges in daily life and a higher chance of developing physical health problems. Therefore, asking yourself, "Do I need a therapist?" and seeking therapy is a big step toward overcoming these concerns and promoting a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

11 Signs You Need Therapy

In the journey of life, we face various challenges but when the burden of these challenges becomes overwhelming or significantly impacts our quality of life, it may be time to say, "I need therapy.” Therefore, here are 11 reasons to see a therapist:

1. Feeling overwhelmed

We have all been there where too many tasks at school or work become stressful and overwhelming. Whether the cause of your overwhelming feelings is clear or not, chronic stress can have negative effects on your health, which is why finding effective ways to manage stress is crucial. People under stress often struggle with concentration, experience too much fatigue, and have short-term memory issues, which can even lead to more severe problems such as brain damage.

Therapy can be useful when you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed for different reasons, such as communication problems, misunderstandings, work stress, difficulties managing daily responsibilities, or facing problems in your relationships.

2. Irregular sleep patterns

Sleep and mental health are directly related to each other. If you're struggling with your mental health, it can be hard for you to get a good night's sleep, and conversely, insufficient sleep can cause mental health problems. People who are dealing with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or ADHD often face sleep problems. Therefore, talking to someone about your feelings (like a therapist) can make it easier to deal with these problems.

However, having a diagnosed mental health condition is not necessary for poor sleep to negatively impact your mental well-being. According to research, not getting enough sleep can cause mood swings and make you more emotionally sensitive.

There are a variety of talk therapies that can teach you how to sleep better and deal with the challenges of not getting quality sleep. At the end of the day, it is all about finding ways to break that cycle and get both your mental health and sleep on a better track.

3. Avoiding social interactions

If you notice that you are withdrawing from your friends, family, and partner, as well as spending more time alone, you may be struggling with social anxiety. Therefore, do not take it lightly, as there could be underlying reasons behind this behavior, like stress, difficulty sleeping, and anxiety.

Similar to stress and lack of sleep, avoiding social interactions can have a negative impact on your mental health. People who live in isolation are more likely to face depression and health problems like chronic pain, low energy, and binge eating. Getting therapy when you are facing all this can help you handle the situation and manage your feelings better.

4. Anxious thoughts

Feeling anxious is a common feeling that many people go through, and many times it becomes hard to stop your brain from worrying. When your thoughts start taking over and causing problems in your daily life, you might be dealing with intrusive thoughts. It is not necessary that only people with mental health conditions (such as PTSD or OCD) feel anxious; anyone can experience it due to a stressful lifestyle.

In this matter, studies show that therapy is a helpful way for people to learn how to manage these anxious thoughts and regain control of their lives. Therefore, if you're finding it hard to handle your thoughts, therapy could be a good option for you.

5. Difficulty controlling emotions

It is a belief that an emotional person cannot control their feelings, but just because you are emotional does not automatically mean you cannot handle your feelings. According to research, difficulty regulating emotions can be a major sign of mental health disorders, especially for people with anxiety disorders. However, therapy would be a useful tool to help you gain more command over your emotions, as studies indicate that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps improve emotional management.

6. Lack of interest

When someone has clinical depression, activities stop becoming exciting for them that they used to enjoy, such as playing games, talking to friends, or doing hobbies. This loss of interest can make it harder to handle stress and keep up with relationships, such as talking and spending time with friends and family. They need to get support and talk to someone who can help, like a friend, family member, or doctor, to overcome the sadness and help bring joy and happiness back.

7. Feeling hopeless

Feeling hopeless is believing that things cannot get better, which often comes from facing difficult situations or struggling with mental health. It is hard to see a positive future with imbalanced mental health, and you may lose interest in the things that used to make you happy. In this matter, talking to therapists, or even friends and family, can help you overcome this emotion and figure out why you are feeling this way.

8. Work related challenges

Experiencing difficulties at work can lead to mental health issues or worsen existing ones. According to research, mental health problems frequently contribute to employees taking sick leave, quitting their jobs, or leaving work altogether.

If you find it tougher to focus on your tasks, getting criticized at work, or feel completely exhausted, considering therapy could be a wise move. It provides a way to tackle work-related stress, anxiety, depression, and other factors affecting your mental well-being. Taking this step can make your work life more manageable and less distressing.

9. Trauma

Trauma can have deep and lasting effects on a person and impact various aspects of their life. Traumatic events such as accidents, natural disasters, or physical and sexual assault can deeply impact a person's mental and emotional well-being. The aftermath of trauma often results in symptoms like flashbacks, emotional numbness, disturbed sleep patterns, and heightened irritability.

Beyond these immediate effects, trauma can also disturb a person's ability to trust others, create challenges in forming and maintaining relationships, and result in feelings of isolation. While people cope with trauma in various ways, seeking a therapist can help them process complex emotions and address feelings of guilt and shame.

10. Experiencing grief

Grief happens due to the loss of someone important to us, and it can bring out a lot of emotions like sadness, confusion, guilt, fear, regret, or even anger. If you have been feeling the same, or if it is starting to affect your everyday life, it might be a good idea to reach out for help. Getting support from friends, family, or even a counselor can make a big difference, as they can help you understand and handle your emotions during this tough time.

11. Having anger issues

It's normal to feel angry and frustrated sometimes, but it becomes a concern when your anger starts getting out of hand. If you notice that your anger is sticking around and turning into resentment, it is crucial to have a conversation with someone about it because you might end up doing things you regret later on due to anger issues.

What Are the Benefits of Seeing a Therapist?

Understanding “why do people go to therapy” is crucial when considering mental health care. Seeing a therapist is an important aspect of addressing mental health problems, which can provide many benefits for managing your mental health issues. Mental health is closely linked to physical wellbeing, which is why professionals recommend therapy for people struggling with chronic diseases or physical symptoms. For instance, cancer patients are advised to undergo therapy to deal with the emotional challenges, anxiety, and stress associated with the intense toll of cancer treatment. If you find yourself thinking, "I need therapy," reaching out to a therapist can be a crucial step in your mental health journey.

Connecting with a therapist has various benefits, such as:

  • Gain insight from an unbiased perspective to process past experiences and traumas in a healthy way.
  • Learn healthy coping skills to manage stress, depression, and anxiety more effectively.
  • Increase self-confidence to boost a positive self-image and a healthy level of self-esteem.
  • Get help to start a supportive and transformative journey toward better mental and emotional health.

What Type of Therapy Do I Need?

Selecting the right type of therapy depends on your unique needs, and various mental health professionals bring different areas of expertise to the table. So, let’s explore why people go to therapy and see which experts to choose based on our needs.

1. Psychologist

Psychologists are experienced in doing standardized tests to confirm diagnoses such as depression, anxiety disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), personality disorders, cognitive disorders, learning disorders, or autism.

2. Psychiatrist

Psychiatrists specialize in brain disorders and primarily focus on treatment with medicines but can also provide therapy services. If mental health symptoms significantly impact your daily life, a psychiatrist can help determine an effective medication option.

3. Counselor

Counselors work with people of all ages, addressing various concerns such as trauma, stress, and grief. They are suitable if you want to work through issues like childhood trauma, aiming to enhance self-awareness and self-confidence.

4. Clinical social worker

Social workers, especially clinical social workers, evaluate and treat individuals considering their environment and social supports. If you are facing life challenges related to friends, work, school, or other systems, a clinical social worker may be a fitting choice.

5. Marriage and family therapist

With a specialization in family and couple therapy, marriage and family therapists are trained to work with individuals facing challenges in their relationships. If you are experiencing family conflict or difficulties in your relationship, a marriage and family therapist would be a suitable option.

What If I Have Tried Therapy Before and it Didn’t Work?

Therapy isn't a quick fix for all your problems—it is more like a tool that needs your effort and commitment to work. Becoming a better version of yourself through therapy takes effort and persistence, even when things get tough. It may also take time for you to find the right therapist for your needs, so in that case, it’s best for you to see another professional who specializes in the area you need help with.

People often expect therapy to quickly solve everything, but that's not how it works. A therapist can offer a fresh perspective and share ideas on managing stress, but the real work is up to you. You might have all the support and resources, but real change comes from within when you are interested in changing or growing. If you are wondering, "Do I need a therapist?" it is worth exploring and considering for your personal growth and comfort.

How to Find the Right Therapist

Finding the right therapist is an important step in getting the support you need. If you are wondering, "Do I need a therapist?" It is crucial to choose a mental health professional you trust and who can help with various situations and gently boost your personal growth.

If you ever feel like your therapist is not meeting your needs, remember that therapists understand that one-size does not fit all, so do not hesitate to talk to them about how you are feeling. When talking to your therapist, be honest about what you need help with and ask how they would address your challenges in therapy. This way, you can find a therapist who suits your specific needs and goals, and they might also help you find the right therapist for you.

At Now&Me, we have qualified therapists who are available to help you 24x7, starting at Rs. 30. Whenever you are ready, you can schedule a one-on-one consultation call with the therapist to talk about your challenges and feelings. For this, just download the Now&Me app and begin your journey toward support and healing.


  1. Mental Illness. The National Institute of Mental Health. 2021.

  2. Are You Missing These Signs of Anxiety or Depression? Harvard Health Publishing. 2021.

  3. Distinction Between Therapist Degrees. PsychCentral. 2016.

  4. Mental Health: Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness. Mayo Clinic. 2021.

  5. Eight Reasons Why Therapy May Not Work for Everyone. Forbes. 2018.

Now&Me articles are written by experienced mental health contributors and are purely based on scientific research and evidence-based practices, which are thoroughly reviewed by experts, including therapists and psychologists with various specialties, to ensure accuracy and alignment with current industry standards.

However, it is important to note that the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual circumstances vary, and it is advisable to consult with a qualified mental health professional for personalized advice and guidance.

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