Why Am I So Angry?

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Sarvika Aggarwal

01 February 2024

8 Mins

Anger is a normal emotion that everyone gets or experiences in life. However, everything in extremes can only worsen the person or the situation. Similarly, anger in extremes can hinder the person internally and externally, both.

So even though it is good to let your anger out and experience this emotion, the intensity and frequency of it matter a lot. So if you are someone who wishes to understand why am I so angry, let’s see what might be the root cause of it.

Get your anger under control by understanding the reason behind it with our professional expert for free.

Why Am I So Angry All the Time?

Anger is one particular emotion that is usually used as a masking emotion that hides the underlying pain a person must be going through. And when one tends to hide their emotions all the time, it can lead to the person feeling exhausted on the inside and feeling “why am I so angry” on the outside.

So the potential reasons for getting thoughts like, Why am I so angry all the time? are:

1. Unrealistic expectations

When you tend to keep unrealistic expectations from yourself or take on the load of society, it evokes pressure and a lot of stress, which, over time, can change into anger and exhaustion. This anger is a response to unrealistic expectations, which you might not be able to meet and can be a major reason for your severe anger issues.

2. Stress

Work stress, academic stress, or even daily stress can put you off and lead to anger issues. However, when it becomes quite recurrent and makes living life a constant pressure and you become familiar with the stress, it can lead to making you feel, “Why am I always angry and irritated for no reason?”.


3. Grief

Grief is a lonely road that nobody prepares you for and when you stumble upon that road all of a sudden, it can make you go through a series of emotions that are impossibly difficult to deal with. One such emotion is anger. This anger can be directed towards the god, towards yourself, or towards the general concept of death. Therefore, letting go of this anger is difficult but it sure does change you in a way that makes you question, “Why am I so angry?”

4. Burnout

Burnout is a risky little road that one might not see coming. Taking the pressure of work or academics because it is a priority can make the burnout symptoms start sneaking in secretly. It might just start with a simple headache and then turn into massive anger, which will lead to you getting upset over the tiniest of things and going off thinking, “Why do I get so angry over little things?”


What Are the Signs of Anger?

Anger doesn’t necessarily come in the form of physical violence or shouting; it can also be passive and come from a place of deep upset or sadness.

Here are the signs of anger:

  • Heart palipitations
  • Irritation
  • Headache or migraine
  • Clenched jaw
  • Muscle tension
  • Taunting
  • Sarcasm
  • Yelling
  • Cursing
  • Physical expression (violence, verbal, or breaking objects)


Things that might be ticking off your anger or leading to such responses can be:

  • Insecurity
  • Jealousy
  • Possessiveness
  • Abandonment
  • Fear
  • Rejection
  • Humiliation
  • Disrespect
  • Unresolved issues
  • Guilt


Anger and Associated Mental Health Conditions

If you do not get your anger under control in its due time, it can lead to severe mental health issues like:

Although it does depend on the severity of the anger, these are some of the most common mental health conditions associated with anger. If not treated with time, it can lead to damaging effects.

bipolar disorder

When Anger Is Uncontrolled

While expressing anger is pretty normal, anger that remains uncontrolled can have a deeper impact on the person. It can lead to severe mental health conditions and make the person spend most of their time alone contemplating their emotions, not socializing.

Moreover, it can also lead to physical health complications that might be harmful in the long run, like heart problems, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, or even bodily changes.

when anger is uncontrolled

How to Manage Anger

Managing anger is a consistent practice if you have been a victim of short-temperedness or getting angry at little things. However, there are good and practical ways to manage your anger healthily; let’s have a look at them.

1. Relaxation techniques

When you find yourself getting angry or thinking, “Why do I get so angry over little things”, take a few minutes to step back from the situation and realign yourself by doing breathing exercises where your full attention is on your breathing and how it is making you and your nervous system feel.

This will help you get back to your real self and be able to respond to any given situation in a positive manner.

2. Lifestyle changes

Anger is also associated with the kind of lifestyle you are living. So if you are someone who doesn’t drink enough water, has an unhealthy appetite, or is surviving on fewer hours of sleep, then it can lead to unnecessary stress and anger issues.

lifestyle changes

So to avoid this or get back on track, it is important to have a healthy routine where you are looking after your body and being kind to it.

3. Cognitive restructuring

Cognitive restructuring basically means rewiring your thoughts consciously and making them realign with your current self. It also means looking into your angry thoughts and understanding the root cause of them so that you can work on the main thing and eliminate the anger response altogether.

With consistent effort and practice, you can learn to respond healthily and even if any thought or situation evokes the anger response, you can learn to manage it without it hindering you entirely.

4. Communicate

When you are angry at someone, especially if that person is close to you, it is important that you communicate your feelings. Because if you do not, it can completely consume you from the inside and hinder you and your relationship negatively. So in order to let go of the anger, it is best to step up and talk.


5. Channelize

If you wish to take out your anger or understand “why do I get so angry over little things?" it is best to redirect your anger to something worthwhile. You can invest that anger in making pottery, painting, or writing. Using these creative outlets will help you direct your anger toward something else rather than suppressing it and harming yourself from the inside.

6. Discovering the root cause

The best way to deal with your anger is by introspecting and understanding the root cause of your anger. When you look within yourself and find out reasons for “why do I get mad so easily," you will be able to eliminate the root cause, ultimately eliminating the response altogether.

7. Seek support

If you are not able to figure out the question, Why am I so angry?, it is best to speak to someone you trust or seek professional help. Sharing it with someone will help you answer the question, What causes anger issues?, and you will be able to make possible changes to it.

Moreover, seeking professional guidance will help you understand how to channel your anger, accept it as any other emotion, and not let your anger control you.

seek support

Does Venting Help?

Yes, venting definitely helps in easing your anger. However, venting your anger and the underlying cause of it in a calm and composed manner is much more effective than shouting or yelling at somebody to let your emotions out.

Doing the latter won’t help you out in any way and will only fill you up with a lot of guilt afterwards. So keep in mind the repercussions of letting your anger out in a negative manner. You might feel good at that moment but the other person will only feel bad because of you.

does venting help

A Word From Now&Me

If you are on the lookout for a therapist who helps you understand—why am I so angry, what causes anger issues, or why am I always angry and irritated for no reason—then you are in the right place. Our experts always make sure to provide you with the guidance and support required for your issues and concerns.

However, if you simply wish to talk to people or understand how their experiences have shaped them, you can become a part of the Now&Me community and talk to a bunch of like-minded people who, like you, are also on a journey to self-discovery.

So, download the app and simply start talking with therapists, starting at Rs. 30, and get a better understanding of your anger and the underlying causes of it with well-known therapists, self-help resources, and a large community.

Anger is a strong emotion highlighting something deeper going inside the body; talk to professional experts about it for free.


  1. Why Am I So Angry? Published 2023. https://www.healthline.com/health/why-am-i-so-angry

  2. Why Am I So Angry. Published 2022. https://www.verywellmind.com/why-am-i-always-angry-5184554

Now&Me articles are written by experienced mental health contributors and are purely based on scientific research and evidence-based practices, which are thoroughly reviewed by experts, including therapists and psychologists with various specialties, to ensure accuracy and alignment with current industry standards.

However, it is important to note that the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual circumstances vary, and it is advisable to consult with a qualified mental health professional for personalized advice and guidance.


To stop feeling angry, the first step is to identify the trigger of your anger. Once you get an understanding of that, you can consciously work on eliminating the root cause or working on it so that you do not get angry so often.

If you are getting a thought like, “Why do I get mad so easily?” then probably this is your body giving you a sign to introspect what is happening with you internally and understand the underlying cause of it. It may be stress, burnout, or simply your expectations that trigger this emotion.

If you are getting frustrated and angry very easily, it might be because there is something already worrying you or stressing you out. And when someone triggers you more, it might be setting you off completely.

You cannot ever get rid of anger, as, like other emotions, anger is also an emotion. However, you can find effective ways to manage it and not let it devour you, like taking deep breaths, consciously looking at the situation, being more objective about things, and not making that one emotion your entire world.

The three types of anger are passive anger, open anger, and assertive anger.

Your anger might be telling you different things, depending on the other things happening in your life. However, if you wish to understand this, then you can sit with yourself, introspect the time your anger comes out, and question the possible reasons behind it.

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