Situational Anxiety: A Comprehensive Guide To Understanding Your Anxiety

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Namrata Roy

07 August 2023

6 Mins

Have you ever been nervous before going on stage to perform? Did your stomach churn the first time you walked into a classroom full of new faces? Did you get dizzy or nauseous when you had to give a presentation in front of your entire team, or your boss? Is there any situation that, no matter what you do, seems to make your nerves completely fray?

All of these are classic examples of experiencing situational anxiety.

You might be wondering what situational anxiety is and how it varies from the more commonly heard and discussed generalised anxiety.

To put it simply, situational anxiety is a type of mental health condition in which your uneasiness is triggered by a specific situation, such as public speaking, social events, and so on. It generally produces feelings of panic or anxious thoughts that last only a few minutes or until the situation is resolved.

On the other hand, persistent, overwhelming anxiety and worry over everyday life occurrences for no apparent reason characterises generalised anxiety (If it is persistent, it can also be diagnosed as GAD). People who suffer from this disorder are constantly worried about disasters and can't stop worrying about their health, finances, relationships, career, academics etc.

It's fine if you've never had somebody to talk to about this anxiety you've been experiencing for so long. We can help you identify the triggers and symptoms, as well as provide you with some coping methods, and of course we also encourage you in finding a community where you feel at home.

How can situational anxiety be identified?

Situational anxiety can be readily identified by a combination of common symptoms and triggers that are caused by certain situations that you dread or feel uncomfortable in.

  • Triggers
  • First day of school or job
  • Public speaking
  • Stage show or a public performance
  • Meeting new people at parties or events
  • Socialising on gatherings
  • Leading a discussion or a team for a project
  • Small talks with strangers
  • Using public utilities
  • Expressing opinions among people
  • Travelling to new places or being away from home
  • Taking exams and tests

Situational anxiety can also be triggered by major life transitions, such as a marriage day, the birth of a child, or relocating to a new place far away from home. It can also happen in settings when people have had a bad or unpleasant experience before.

  • Symptoms
  • Sweating
  • Dryness in mouth
  • Nausea
  • Shakiness
  • Trembling
  • Restlessness
  • Lightheaded sensation
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Irregular breathing patterns
  • Sweaty palms
  • Muscle tension

An episode of acute worry or terror can also lead to a panic attack. People may begin avoiding circumstances that they know may cause an anxiety reaction in order to avoid these symptoms.

Please know that the list of symptoms and situations is just a starting point, it may look different for you, but a general rule of thumb is to identify the situation that is making you anxious, notice how your body reacts to it.

What can you do when anxiety kicks in?

1. Try relaxation techniques

Using some coping skills on a regular basis may help you gradually reduce your situational anxiety over time. The less anxiety you have, the more often you face your worries while simultaneously preparing yourself, addressing your negative ideas, and using relaxation techniques.

Relaxation techniques include - deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, visualisation and so on. You can use these tactics to calm yourself down when you're in a stressful situation.

Another good starting point is to learn how to ground yourself. Anxiety often functions with the fear of the future, grounding brings you back to reality: to the present.

grounding techniques for anxiety

2. Reach out for help

It is so frustrating to feel as if we have no control over our bodies, especially during important events like presentations or interviews. However, there are a variety of treatment alternatives available, including specific medications, psychotherapy, counselling and other coping tactics.

It's critical to seek help if your anxiety is bothering you or if you feel like it's interfering with your ability to function in daily life.

Trust me when I say - You are not alone. We are in this together.

Now&Me is a welcoming and supportive community where you can meet and talk to people who share your feelings. It's a safe haven for people who are anxious, unhappy, or lonely, as well as anyone who needs a listening ear or an empathetic, compassionate talk.

I know, right. It sounds too good to be true. But let us just take a peek at what others are already saying about their fears and experiences with situational anxiety in the community. You may start believing that a wholesome social network like this really exists!

An anonymous user, talking about their situational anxiety for hotel parties. situational anxiety user thought 1

And look at that! Five people have already replied to comfort him. This is the power of the Now&Me community. They're all with you in everything, and they're doing it together.

This anonymous friend is too anxious to sit for their history exam. situational anxiety user thought 2

What exactly are you waiting for? Check in on this lovely soul to see how they're doing now. It's a completely free platform (together with Now&Me App!). With just a quick signup, you'll be ready to spread love and warmth

Anxiety from a social situation? We can relate. situational anxiety user thought 3

Situational anxiety is real, as we all know. In settings where others enjoy releasing stress, people can feel stressed. On, you can be yourself without fear of being judged or bullied. Allow your thoughts to flow freely, or show kindness to make someone smile.

Anxiety and FOMO are an inseparable duo (sighs) situational anxiety user thought 3

The anxiety of losing out on something can utterly destabilise your mental health. But that's okay, since Now&Me is here to help! Our anonymity function allows you to express your deepest ideas and emotions without having to reveal your identity.

How can Now&Me help?

The anxiety of losing out on something can utterly destabilize your mental health. But that's okay since Now&Me is here to help. Our anonymity function allows you to express your deepest ideas and emotions without having to reveal your identity to a like-minded community.

Now&Me is about more than just a platform to share your anxiety and despair. It's a place where you can be yourself without apology, openly discussing all of your inner feelings, scars, happiness, joy, and love. You can even talk about your anxiety with a panel of professional experts who will help you navigate through your thoughts and patterns in a healthy manner.

Download the Now&Me app for free and cultivate good mental health with a panel of qualified experts and a loving community.


1. Is there a cure for situational anxiety? Anxiety disorders are highly subjective, and the best way to treat them is through therapy, the development of essential habits to combat anxiety, and, in some cases, medication as prescribed by experts. However, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all in such contexts. If situational anxiety persists after attempting the general coping mechanisms and support networks, it is critical to seek the advice of a certified mental health professional.

2. How can I help someone going through situational anxiety? If you know someone who is experiencing situational anxiety, let them know they are not alone. Ask them how you can make them feel more at ease, and then do it. Allow them space if they request it, or simply lend a listening ear if getting it out of their system makes them feel better. Last but not least, provide them with resources such as informative blogs on the internet, contact information for certified therapists, or direct them to

3. How to deal with situational anxiety? If your anxiety worsens in social situations or starts interfering with your daily activities, you can always see a therapist. And, if therapy appears to be out of reach for you right now, you can try some of the basic relaxation techniques mentioned in the blog to ground yourself in the present moment.

4. How do I stop situational anxiety? Situational anxiety can be difficult and unnerving, but it is also something that you can often manage by employing a number of different techniques. Building a routine for yourself to prepare for the "big situation," exposing yourself to your fear and acknowledging it, and using grounding techniques such as breathing to prevent the possibility of a panic attack are a few effective strategies.

This blog post was proofread and edited by our in-house psychologist, Shaifila.

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