25 Quick Journal Prompts to Live Your Best Life in 2022

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Namrata Roy

11 June 2023

5 Mins

Journaling is an excellent method to check in with yourself and fully validate what you've been through and want to accomplish. It's an excellent mindfulness exercise for managing fear and anxiety, as well as negative thoughts and restlessness.

You can either sit at your desk with a hot cup of coffee or lie in your cosy bed and write down whatever is on your mind. Journaling is all about honestly expressing oneself in order to let go of any thoughts that are burdening you or preventing you from moving forward.

Finding a healthy approach to express yourself is one of the most useful strategies to deal with any overwhelming feelings. Hence, a journal becomes an important tool to help you manage your mental health.

Why is Journaling Important?

  • Journaling can help you heal and recover from past trauma as well as deep-inflicted doubts and insecurities.
  • It helps to deal with anxiety and depression by allowing you to express and acknowledge your feelings.
  • As you practise self-acceptance and thankfulness and support healing each day, journaling aids in inner growth and promotes self-love.
  • By reflecting on your own life experiences, keeping a journal can help you learn, grow, and move forward.

Journaling in the Morning vs Journaling at Night

1. Writing a journal in the morning

Writing down your thoughts first thing in the morning might help you gain clarity, stay focused, and be inspired throughout the day. Morning journaling doesn't have to be fancy all of the time. It could be as basic as writing down how you are feeling today after waking up.

Self-love journal prompts are best used in the morning since they help you feel good about yourself right away. It also allows you to stay organised because when you express your feelings, the confusion begins to dissipate on its own.

Morning journaling can be beneficial if:

  • You don't feel motivated to wake up in the morning
  • You don't have anything to look forward to for the rest of the day
  • You don't have any daily goals in mind to reach
  • And you want to be more present and in the moment throughout the day

2. Writing a journal at night

Journaling before bed is a wonderful method to empty your mind and has been conclusively proven to help you sleep better. Using these bedtime journal questions to get all of your emotions down on paper helps clear your mind, allowing you to rest and prepare better for tomorrow.

Bedtime is an excellent opportunity to reflect on your entire day, so journaling before signing off for the day is something you can frequently do. It allows you to enjoy a good moment of self-introspection while also assisting you in sleeping better with a clearer mind.

Journaling at night may be a great way to reflect on:

  • how you've been feeling today,
  • how you want your next day to go,
  • what you've learned during the day,
  • and how far you've gone toward accomplishing your goals.
  • If you need some inspiration and creative ideas for journal entries before ending the day, here are some journal prompts you can use.

25 Quick and Easy Journaling Prompts to Inspire and Motivate You Daily

If you're new to journaling, these prompts can help you get started on your journey of personal growth through writing:

journal writing prompts

Morning Journal Prompts

  • What are things for which you are grateful for and to whom you owe the greatest gratitude to today?
  • What is a significant aim that you are pursuing?
  • What do you have planned for today?
  • Today, complement yourself as well as thank yourself for something.
  • What motivates you?
  • What do you want to remind yourself of today?
  • What tiny step can you take today to get closer to your goal?
  • What's one thing you'd like to improve on?
  • What is the most significant challenge you will confront during the day? What are your plans to deal with it?
  • What is the one activity you are planning to do today for yourself only?
  • What are your top three favourite things that make you happy?
  • What are your present feelings?
  • What would you do to ensure that you have enough time to eat today?
  • What is the most important thing you require today? Why do you believe you require it?
  • How do you really want to feel at the day’s end?

Night Journal Prompts

  • Did you have a true connection with someone today? If that's true, who was it with?

  • What did you accomplish today that you're proud of?

  • What did you like the most about your day today?

  • What is one act you can do tomorrow that you will be grateful for in the future?

  • What time of day do you feel the most rested?

  • Summarise your day in one word.

  • What did today's story teach you?

  • What is one thing that is now giving you stress?

  • What are your thoughts on tomorrow?

  • Is there anything that bothered you today?

How Can Now&Me Help?

Now that we've learned about a variety of journal prompts, we can resort to them whenever we need to put our thoughts on paper. But what if we desire someone who patiently listens to us and empathises with our sentiments with love and kindness?

Now&Me offers a virtual space for self-expression, self-discovery, and supportive interactions, much like the role a personal journal plays in our lives. You can unburden your thoughts and let go of all your feelings anonymously to start your day with a clear mind or sleep after a moment of self-reflection and gratitude.

Now&Me provides a safe and supportive platform to connect with experienced mental health and self care professionals who can offer you guidance and support. Our peer community is welcoming, non-judgmental, and inclusive, creating a warm and supportive environment to share your thoughts and feelings. You can interact with like-minded peers or seek guidance from experienced experts like therapists and life coaches, instantly. What are you waiting for? Download for FREE!



The primary distinction between a journal and a diary is that a journal is a personal record in which you can jot down your ideas, thoughts, experiences, and emotions. In contrast, a diary is a book where you keep track of important events.

Journaling is beneficial to mental health since it helps manage anxiety, concerns, and other emotions, as well as the acknowledgement of fears and worries. It also makes you feel calm and relaxed by letting go of feelings that make your heart heavy.

Journaling can help persons with anxiety problems clear their heads and relax. Writing allows people to express their deepest emotions, escape from daily worries, and let go of unpleasant thoughts.

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