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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_suhani_

Suhani Sheikh @_suhani_

What is that one thing that comforts you at your worst?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rits0912
9 replies
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Ronit Patel @ryan_

Fresh Air and Lil walk

CJ @cj14

Family period. They pick me up when I’m down.


Hugs and kind words from loved one.

Saadi @beingme

By repeating the words “Ye waqt bhe guzar jayega”




The feeling of gratitude that i have came so far. By god’s grace i have almost everything bcoz i focus on things which i have rather then things which i don’t

Strawhat @strawhat

Ice cream 🍨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rits0912

Ritwik @rits0912

Being able to reflect on myself even if my mind is distracted enough to not even focus on the current moment. It does take a lotta struggle to start reflecting yet I somehow be successful and realise what I can do to cut the extent of this very thing that took place under uncontrollable circumstances and help curb the regrets thereafter.


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