Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly
So hi, i’m not really good at this whole thing haha. well i mean where do i even begin. I guess at the part where i feel like i’m struggling with my identity. Not identity like “sexuality and gender expression” but personality wise. the fact is i’ve changed myself so many times in the past and i can’t figure who i really am
Like if i wanna be a girl or boy
A good person with no tattoos, straight hair, and modest clothes or a tattooed up, short haired, bad person
I don’t know if i wanna stay in high school or drop out
I don’t know if i wanna work with kids or if i depise them
I don’t know if i hate everyone around me or if i hate myself
I don’t know if i wanna continue life anymore
I’ve been so many different personalities and people. either i copy it off of someone or a tv show
I fear if i dig deep enough and find the real me i’ll hate it
Norlan Silva @vanitas
Don’t think about your identity as something so linear. If you only have two choices for such things then they’re not really who YOU are, just something else from other people. These very different things are what make you, you. Whether it be one tattoo or a million or none or whatever else, they don’t automatically make you a certain way. You’re unique because of the choices you make and things you do and the actions you take and the words you speak. It doesn’t matter that you’ve taken things, you use them in ways that aren’t used in the things you got them from, and thats YOUR own influence. Let yourself be yourself, don’t think about what you do to yourself, just let yourself run on autopilot.
Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly
Still i don’t know who “yourself” is and i don’t know if i can ever make the choices. I’m still gonna change it all to please people and make them happy
Norlan Silva @vanitas
So dont. Think only about yourself and what you really want to do with yourself.
Good thing is that you realise what is not right. Better thing is, it can be solved for sure. You are amazing. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.