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Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

I want to move out, but I don’t know if I can live on my own.

17 replies

Adarsh @adarsh4

Hw old r ya?

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant


Adarsh @adarsh4

Y do u wanna move out?? Anything in particular?

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

My mother doesn’t support me.

Adarsh @adarsh4

Oh…thts sad

Adarsh @adarsh4

Did u try sitting and talking with her about the same?

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

I feel scared to.

Adarsh @adarsh4

Try it for once…may b for the gud

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

What if she doesn’t allow me to?

Adarsh @adarsh4

Allow u to talk to her?😕

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

Leave and get my own home

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

Doesn’t help I can’t get my own job.

Adarsh @adarsh4

U will…trust urself

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

But I don’t have a bank account.

Adarsh @adarsh4

I understand….just relax and try to live in the present and not think too much into the future…it will scare u

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

But I’m scared of the present.

Adarsh @adarsh4

Dont b…just luk at the positives and try to live in the present


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