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i feel bad. I just broke up with a girlfriend from a relationship of 2 years. I admit i treated her badly and mentally hurt her and emotionally, i was immature and a dipshit not to forget i had ego complex, superiority and arrogance. But i have been a better human being to her as well. I have been considerate and patiernt and respectful but I don’t know I got blindsided by arrogance and i took her for granted, that was the worst mistake.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @selenophile_013
13 replies

Do apologise to her, and make sure you really mean it!
Also it’s been a long time, so please when you face her and apologise for it, don’t just expect anything from her in return.
Just be genuine about it and apologise and ask her if there’s anything that you can do to make it right, and then wait for it, bud.

Anshuman @ansbis

i have apologised to her and I have promised her i will fight for our relationship as because of fear of losing her. All my feelings that were there at initial stage are back now and I am willing to work on myself to be with her. Have told her the same. She wants space(understandably) till Mid-May. I am scared because i have been a shitty person to a wonderful human being and partner and i fear that i would lose her. I have told her that my feelings for her have arisen strongly like they were and i am willing to drop ego and i understand her taking space and even dumping me, she is right. I am scared of losing her altho she has given me positive signals as of now about being getting back but i am afraid.


Just be patient about it, bud.
She is the one victim here, her actions are understandable and just, and rightly so!
Give it some time.

Also much love to you for owning your mistake and for accepting it. Just remember, sorry means nothing if you aren’t willing to work in order to make things right and to never ever repeat the old pattern or mistakes over again. Just keep this in mind.

All the best.

Anshuman @ansbis

Thanks, any chance i can talk with you one and one? I really need a mature head for talking. Please its a request.

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Anshuman @ansbis

Hey, can’t connect with you, its now showing that feature.


Sent you a request.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @selenophile_013

Alana @selenophile_013

You should go and apologize to her from heart, she’ll understand

Anshuman @ansbis

She has but because i have traumatised her and I admit my fucking blunders. We have decided to take space till Mid may and make the call whether to get back or not. I am scared that I’ll lose her and end up getting hurt.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @selenophile_013

Alana @selenophile_013

Hey it’s okay, don’t lose hope, if it’s meant to be, then you guys would be together


Guys, I feel like nobody ever understands me. I’m scolded and behaved to like the most unimportant person in the room. I feel so sick of all this and yet they want me to be happy and smile all the time. They talk to me rudely, don’t see my efforts at all. Even if I study for 4 hours and decide to take a small break on the phone they will start scolding me for using it all the time even when I don’t. They always argue with me and is always behind me with marks and percentage. just cause I’m not good at some subjects they think I’m good at none.
They think they know the best for me even when they don’t. I’m not treated equally with my sister who has more freedom than me.
U might think cause she is older, but that’s not the case. she even studies less than me and is always watching shows and all.
Yet people talk so nicely to her especially my mom
Sometimes it feels like my mom is a fake feminist cause she always take my sister side no matter what even if she wrong.
The anger she has she puts it on me and scolds me.
I don’t even talk to my mom on my own on feeling of getting scolded or smtg like that again but yet it doesn’t escape.
Not a day goes by without me getting a scolding.
I have cried at times secretly at times while hiding my face in a pillow or a blanket.
They don’t respect privacy as well.
I feel like my life is so complicated
Plus I lost most of my frnds I had or lost touch with them as I can say due to the COVID 19 situation.
I feel so lonely at times with nobody to understand me in this world.
Wish I had a friend like me.
My mom doesn’t get physical on my sister but she gets on me from time to time.
And for u guys to know my age it’s 14
I feel trapped.idk what to do


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