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3am ThoughtsThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I don’t know how to start with. I feel like I’m completely lost. I feel so broken every now and then, I don’t even know to whom I would talk to. Why? My past always keep on haunting me. Everyone in my surroundings are so busy, that it’s even so hard to ask them to talk with me. I’ve been crying lately, can’t sleep, bad appetite. I don’t know will I be okay or not. I feel like I wanna die and recently there was this one guy whom I got attached so much. I mean like we’ve been friend for 1 year now and I’ve been crush on him since then, but I don’t know about him whether he like me Or not, but I liked him a lot. And the next day he asked me out just as a hangout. I don’t know why I’m getting hurt I don’t know why.

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BBKM @smooth_sunshine

Yeah but like not everyday

Poorna Chandu @poorna7013

Hey dont think much everything will be fine smile

BBKM @smooth_sunshine

Thank you so much


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