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3am ThoughtsThought


Girls do you share “everything” with your guy friend? Do you feel nurvous or anything?
I shared something but he took it well but not sure I should continue or not. But it makes my heart so light.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07

Yeah girl share everything when they feel comfortable and they trust the guy who is worth to be trust
Isn’t it ?

Vaeee @alba

I don’t have a male friends for some time. But in terms of trust in talking heart to heart, I think when the first talk looks like going well, you should try talk with them more but slowly just to make sure that the other person:
1. Feels comfortable with that specific things that you want to talk about.
2. Is not judging you.
Congratulations in getting potential close friend!



Saju Joseph @wiley

Now that, you are confused whether you should trust him or not. These doubts, will weaken your relationship and it will not do any good for both of you. Before these issues deepen further talk it out and have clarity. There is nothing wrong in having trust issues, but not clearing it will hurt both of you.


i do, if its like girly thing i dont talk too seriously cuz i guess he feels little awkward. But talking about personal things, is sometimes the best to talk to guy better then to girl.




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