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Does being an introvert is a bad thing ?
Means does it potrays me as a bad person ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio
8 replies

Not at all!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

No! Why’d you think so?


Because people ignores you or sometime they pretend as like you don’t even exist .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

I don’t think that is because of you being an introvert. There could other underlying issues but I can’t be sure since not an introvert myself.

Hope you’re feeling better by now :)


No it doesn’t, being an introvert doesn’t affect your image in front of ppl-. Ppl infact gonna give u ur space when they know that yes you’re an introvert (doesn’t mean they’ll sideline u).


But many a times people just sidelines . This makes me sad many a times


Don’t be sad by their actions, maybe they’re some kind of jerk~ you chill. BEING AN INTROVERT IS NO BAD THING


Literally who has ever said that???that being introverted is a bad thing???


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