Yeah you can’t
Fight the situation so next time you won’t lose the fight
Take care ❤️
Soham Vardekar @soham09
What if… tried of fighting
Don’t give up Buddy
You know once i was fighting and i was tried to
That was worst thing of my life
My childhood was terrible
Even now I’m scared of that and i haved never shared this thing with anyone
So that’s why I’m telling you not to give up man
Please try to take care ♥️ ✨
I’m with you
Soham Vardekar @soham09
Soham Vardekar @soham09
PRATHAM @pratham_07_07
Reyad Soliman @reyad
Ya you can gave up about people that hurt you to find other the life is so big so you can find other thing if those things hurt you so just give up about it 🙂
Umm 🤔
Reyad Soliman @reyad
Always when you forget about someone who hurt you you find a good friend ☺️
//healer// @anjalii
Yes you can. But once you think you are ready to fight just come back and fight. Your mental peace matters. You matter. Take care.
Soham Vardekar @soham09
Everytime I want to come back something worse happens
//healer// @anjalii
Maybe you think you are ready to fight but maybe you aren’t!!.
Soham Vardekar @soham09
//healer// @anjalii
Everything will be alright. Don’t worry!!.
Soham Vardekar @soham09
Yeah 🤞